Compare tours from
Grand Canyon West

Side by side comparison of helicopter tours that depart from Grand Canyon West

Tours that depart from Grand Canyon West



Papillon and Maverick offer tours that depart from Grand Canyon West each with some distinct differences that you may overlook when comparing.  Both companies fly the same flight path into the Grand Canyon and each offer landing options. We compare those here.

Landing Tour

Compare Papillon Maverick Papillon
Tour Name GCW Helicopter Landing Grand Canyon Discovery GCW Helicopter with Boat Ride
Price (before fees below) $259 $259 $319
Price per minute (flight & Grand Canyon time not including park entry fee) $7.40/minute $7.40/minute $7.68/minute
Total Duration 35 minutes 35 minutes 35 minutes
Flight Duration 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes
Landing time 20 minutes 20 minutes
Boat ride none none 20 minutes
Landing Location Inside Grand Canyon Inside Grand Canyon Inside Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon West $49 Entry Fee Not included Not included Included
Skywalk option Not included Not included Not included
Helicopter EC-130 or A-Star EC-130 EC-130 or A-Star
Flight path same same same
Airport Grand Canyon West Grand Canyon West Grand Canyon West
Hotel Transfers No No No
Max passengers per heli 7 7 7
Meals None None None
Additional Fuel Surcharge None None None
Front seat request (if confirmed) No fee No option No fee No option No fee No option
Prime time flights No price difference No price difference No price difference
Flight times winter 6 6 6
Flight times summer 13 8 18
Earliest flight winter 9:30AM 9:30AM 9:00AM
Latest flight winter 1:00PM 1:00PM 1:00PM
Earliest flight summer 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM
Latest flight summer 2:00PM 2:00PM 2:15PM


When comparing Papillon and Maverick for the helicopter tours that departs from Grand Canyon West and descend into the canyon for a landing, you may assume they are the same as they both are similar price and similar duration.  There is a major difference between the landing options offered by Papillon and Maverick.  Papillon only lands in the area where the boat tours depart meaning you may be sharing a helicopter with people taking the boat ride and your area to explore is where the boat launch is.  Maverick does not have a boat option so their landing area is exclusively for exploring on the ground without seeing boats or the boat area.  The biggest difference between Papillon and Maverick for tours departing from the West Rim is that Papillon services the tour with boat ride while Maverick specializes in the landing tour with time for exploring on the ground. Maverick only use EC-130 helicopters while Papillon may use EC-130 or A-Star helicopters for this tour.  If comparing the Papillon tour with boat ride,  you ignore the Grand Canyon West $49 entry fee included in the $319 price, you will see that the boat ride only costs $10 more than the Maverick Landing tour.   

20 minute landing in Grand Canyon near boat area
See here

20 minute landing inside Grand Canyon
See here
Helicopter to bottom for 20 minute boat ride
See here

Add Boat & Grand Canyon West Entry for only $60 more

Papillon is the only option for taking a helicopter with boat ride inside the Grand Canyon

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